
  • Figma Plugin Version 1.0

    Explore our MVP, the Asseto Figma Plugin. Simplify your design workflow by easily uploading .xls spreadsheets to populate your frames with text and images. Select your desired sheet, and Asseto will seamlessly import and integrate the content.

  • Figma Plugin Template Version 1.0

    Our basic template includes common sizes for Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn posts. Download the Asseto Figma Plugin from the Figma Community to get started.

  • Asset Demo Tutorial on YouTube

    A quick tutorial on using the Asseto Plugin to simplify your design workflow. Easily upload .xls spreadsheets to populate your frames with text and images. Select your desired sheet, and Asseto will seamlessly import and integrate the content.

  • Excel Sheet Template

    Download our Excel template with placeholder headers for text and images, designed to save you time and effort. Customize it to fit your needs, adjusting the number of headlines, body copy, and images as required.